Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Monday Morning Writing Prompt, February 8

No need to check your calendars. February 8 IS Tuesday. That's today. Snow has a way of making the days run together.
So here is your writing prompt for today:

Clare Boothe Luce told President Kennedy that "every man is a sentence." At Mia, we would tweak it to say, "Every person is a sentence."

If you were a sentence, what would it be? Write your sentence using third person.

Watch the video below about Daniel Pink's book Drive and think about your own sentence. We would love to read yours. Send it to us! Or you can comment here.


  1. I like all the Monday writing prompts, and I just want to give this one a try! I'd love if my sentence was something like: "Used art to create peace."

  2. I love that! Here is mine: "She told the stories of remarkable women across the globe."
